Choose the right option!
Place, choose the right option!

1. Here is the attic. It … my favorite place in Granny’s house.
2. I … visit her often because she lives in the US.
3. I … only come in the summer and sometimes for Christmas.
4. But when I am here I can stay as long … I want.
5. And I can spend as … time as I like here in the attic.
6. I always stop and look … before I step in. This is my little ritual.
7. Then I close my eyes and try to picture what … seen – all the things and where exactly they are. That’s my memory game.
9. … so many things! The first thing I always check is the bicycle above the window.
10. It … to my grandfather. He used to go fishing in his boat – can you see his boat in the photo?
1 out of 3 11. It … kept in the nearby lake and he would go to the lake riding that bicycle.
13. My grandmother was an opera singer. She could … play a lot of musical instruments.
14. But only her guitar is ... here.
15. All the cabinets are filled … Grandpa’s archives. He was a scientist.
16. Every now and then I try to read his … but it is very difficult for me to understand.
17. And I open the old photo albums and wonder at the clothes and hairstyles people … have then.
18. “What would I look like if I … in the 50s?” I wonder.
19. My Grandmother, …, was able to understand everything my Grandfather was up to.
20. Not only … a beautiful and gifted singer, but she also had powerful intellect. And she still has!
2 out of 3 22. I asked her once how … to be so many extraordinary things at one and the same time.
23. And would you like to know … ?
24. If you are curious, you may like to listen to her words and help me understand because I find them somewhat … .
25. If you ... please, mark True or False after you have heard her words. You may find you need to listen to them twice. If so, please, do!
26. My grandmother speaks about a moment spent in a narrow lane.
28. There is a warm gentle wind.
29. The flowers rest in silence.
30. She recites part of a poem which contemplates our relationship with time.
3 out of 3